Text and pictures by Eki Qushay Akhwan
My appology for the title of this post. I don't mean to be impertinent or offensive. The title is not mine, but a registered trade mark of a fashion company based in Bandung. Creativiy seems to have no limit, does it?
I am proud to live in a city where creativity finds its expressions and is generously appreciated, enjoyed, and shared by its people.
Je ne comprends pas. What is Horny Clinic ? pourquoi la femme a-t-elle un sac marqué Horny Clinic ? C'est la Clinic qui fait de la publicité ? Pourquoi parler de générosité ?
Sorry : je ne comprends rien du tout !
Aurai-je une explication ? Merci d'avance !
That is something out of the ordinary Eki..
Is that company a apparel maker?
It amazes me how around the world a simple word can have so many meaning.
what is offensive, or risque in one sense can be altruistic in another.
Great obvservant post.
No problem, it's not offensive. It's true, it's what happens in streets.
Too much patients in that horny clinic? :)
Barcelona Daily Photo
Didn't know there was a clinic for that "ailment" HA!
"horny clinic". i think its name as one of the nice marketing techniques that attract the consumer.. anyway, it is one of the good ideas in capture choice
Yes, "Horny Clinic" is a new extraordinary Clinic ;p at first, i think it was a clinic for 'such' thing, but then i know that it was a clothing shop... what a unique name...
Well, your post title caught MY eye. hehe
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