Friday, July 30, 2010

Inappropriate Language

I have previously posted several stories of the notorious ANGKOT (small public transportation bus) and its erratic behavior (click the angkot label below if you want to know more) and of funny Englishes that you can find in this city. What happens if both are combined?

Voila! At the back of this pink Angkot is written - please excuse me for writing it here - "Don't kiss my ass". What!?

I couldn't help but laughed when I saw and took this photograph.

Such is the street life in this city. There's always something going on if we really look. ^_^


Tony nile life said...

Ass is a donkey, as to what the artist is, arse is what it should read ,
you want to see some of the mispelled signs here in Egypt,

Unknown said...

Funny and nice shot as always, pak...

Dina said...

Well, it certainly got our attention, so let's hope drivers take it seriously and keep their distance.

Photo Cache said...

funny! i like seeing funny signs while stuck in traffic. it keeps the wait bearable.

Hilda said...

Heehee, I like it. The colors too — crazy.