What are the most favorite locations for pre-wedding photography sessions in Bandung?
Quite a few, I'd say. It depends on what kind of backgrounds and atmosphere you'd like to have in your photos: nature (pine forests, water falls, volcano craters, lakes, paddy fields) or urban environenments (parks, art deco buildingss, etc.). All of them are available here and can be reached within a couple of hours drive. Just discuss it with your photographer and she/he'll take you there.
Within the city, Asia Africa and Braga Streets are probably among the most popular for their oldies look because of the number of art deco buildings that line up these streets. Look at the photo above, which I snapped on Braga Street recently on one of my photographic walks. The paintings at the background - offered by art street vendors - make the location even more attractive to many.
this is new location to me too. i don't think i've seen nor heard one done on the street, although i find that really interesting. i would do some photos on the streets if i were getting married.
And it's cute how she has a grip on him already. :)
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