Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Eid Mubarak - Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1430 H

Today is Eid ul Fitr. I went to the field near where we live to perform Eid prayer. (Unlike the daily prayers that can be performed at home or in the mosque, the Eid prayer and sermon are preferably performed in a field.)

At home we ate ketupat kari. Ketupat is steamed rice cake wrapped in young coconut leaves (see left picture below). We cut it open, slice it, and usually eat it with kari ayam (chicken curry) and sambal goreng ati (liver in dried chily souce).

It is also the traditon here that people decorate their homes with fragrant flowers like bunga sedap malam (polianthes tuberosa) - the white flowers on long stems in the picture - to welcome their guests. I forgot to buy it until late this morning, so when I got to the nearby florist, we didn't have much choice.


Dina said...

Thanks for these wonderful and eye-opening pictures which teach us about your Eid.
I am happy to learn about your outdoor prayer, especially since I just now posted about our prayer for this day, also outdoors.
May you and your family have a joyous Eid ul Fitr.

Leif Hagen said...

Great posting of religious traditions, food, flowers!

Anonymous said...

Love your concept & photos. Hats off.

Haroon Kassim from