Friday, September 9, 2011

Under-The-Tree-Shade Barber

You might wonder what these makeshift tents under the trees by the road side are. But if you look closer, you'll find this:

Yes, they are barber kiosks. We call them DPR (di bawah pohon rindang or under the tree shade) barber.

They are pretty good, and inexpensive. The barbers are very friendly too.

Photos by Aries Rachmandy, a free-lance photographer, journalist, and Bandung Daily Photo contributor. You can see more of his works here.


Dina said...

Hi Eki. These are wonderful pictures to give us the mood of the place.
Do these barbers cut women's hair too? I would go.

Leif Hagen said...

Fun barber find! I wonder how much they charge? I pay $20 for a haircut and tip to the barber here in Eagan!

Anita said...

Very interesting to see, thanks for sharing this collection of pictures. Like Leif I also am wondering how much they charge.

damz said...

These pictures remind me my childhood. I used to have my hair cut at one of those barbers in Jl Diponegoro. Nice! :)

tololoe said...

yups.. here in my town, we called Salon Dipo PirGo. a.k.a Dibawah Pohon Pinggir Got.