Sunday, June 30, 2013

'Pindang' Seller at Lembang Traditional Market

This man sells pindang (steamed or smoked and salted fish) at Lembang Traditional Market. The one he is selling is the steamed variety of pindang


Pindang is a traditional way of preserving fish. Pindang can be eaten as it is, but usually it is cooked again in a variety of recipes.

Penjual pindang di pasar tradisional Lembang.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Fish Sold at Lembang Traditional Market

The fish sold at a kiosk at Lembang traditional market in the north of Bandung. In the front part of the picture are the common carp (cyprinus carpio), locally known as ikan mas, and freshwater pomfret, locally known as bawal.

Both common carp and pomfret are farmed locally and are popular food among the local people. The common carp is a native Asian fish. The freshwater pomfret is a native of South American rivers which was introduced to Asia in the early 1980's.

Ikan-ikan yang dijual di salah satu kios ikan di pasar Lembang.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Fanciful Fence Decoration

Fanciful fence decorations I saw at the backyard of Bale Pare at Kotabaru Parahyangan, a newly developed satellite town near the town of Padalarang in West Bandung.

The photo is bid dark because it was rainy and the sky was very dark when I snapped the picture. I should come back to take another photo when it's sunny.

Dekorasi pagar warna-warni yang saya lihat di Bale Pare, Kotabaru Parahyangan, dekat Padalarang, Bandung Barat.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Wayang Sukuraga

In addition to traditional wayang, the 2nd Gunungan International Mask & Puppets Festival (see my posts two days ago) also featured several new creation puppet theaters like this one: Wayang Sukuraga.

Wayang Sukuraga (literally puppets or puppet show of body parts) is different from the traditional wayang theater in that its characters are body part skin puppets. The stories and music are also different from those of the traditional wayang. While the traditional wayang theater performances usually tell stories derived from the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata and their local variations, the Wayang Sukuraga tells stories that are specifically created for it. Also, unlike the traditional wayang performances, which are usually accompanied by Gamelan ensemble, the Wayang Sukuraga performances can be accopanied by any kinds of music, traditional or modern.

Wayang Sukuraga was created about seventeen years ago by Afendy (nick-named Fendy Sukuraga), an artist and painter from Sukabumi, West Java.

Depicted in the above picture is Gunungan of Wayang Sukuraga displayed at the exhibition hall.

Wayang Sukuraga adalah wayang kreasi baru yang tokoh-tokohnya terdiri dari anggota-anggota badan. Wayang ini diciptakan oleh Afendi alias Fendy Sukuraga, seorang seniman asal Sukabumi, Jawa Barat, pada sekitar tahun 1996.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Unfinished Mask

Besides displaying the finished masks, Wewed (see yesterday's post) also showed how a mask is made. He was having a break when I visited his stand at the exhibition hall, and so all I saw was this unfinished mask. This mask, like many other Indonesian traditional masks, is made of kayu nangka (jackfruit wood).

Selain memamerkan topeng-topeng yang sudah selesai dibuat, Wewed (lihat posting kemarin) juga mempertunjukkan bagaimana topeng dibuat. Topeng yang belum selesai dibuat ini dibuat dari kayu nangka.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wewed Masks

Some of the mask collection exhibited by Wewed, an Indramayu-based mask artisan that specializes in crafting local traditional masks, at Gunungan International Mask & Puppet Festival held recently at Kotabaru Parahyangan in the west of Bandung.

This year's Gunungan International Mask & Puppets Festival is the second of what is planned to be a regular annual event that celebrates Indonesia's rich and diverse wayang (puppet) and mask traditions in the context of similar traditions worldwide.

Sebagian koleksi Topeng Wewed yang dipamerkan dalam Festival Topeng dan Wayang Internasional Gunungan di Kotabaru Parahyangan, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, baru-baru ini. Wewed adalah seorang seniman topeng yang berasal dari Indramayu, Jawa Barat.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Walk on Campus Campaign

A walk on campus campaign sign at the Indonesia University of Education campus. This campaign has been staged to encourage the campus community to use less cars (and previously motorcycles before their access was restricted) to move between different parts of the campus.

Indonesia University of Education campus at Setiabudi street in the north of Bandung is the largest campus in the city. It occupies an area of about 75 hectares (about 185 acres).

Rambu kampanye pembudayaan berjalan kaki di kampus Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Bandung. Kampanye ini digalakkan untuk mendorong warga kampus mengurangi penggunaan mobil (dan sebelumnya juga sepeda motor) di dalam kampus. Sejak beberapa bulan yang lalu, akses sepeda motor telah dibatasi dengan pemusatan parkir di bagian utara kampus.

Dengan luas sekitar 75 hektar, kampus UPI di Jalan Dr Setiabudi saat ini adalah kampus terbesar di dalam kota Bandung.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

An Electronic Appliance Repairman at Work at Cikapundung Electronic Market

An electronic-appliance repairman at work in his shop at Cikapundung Electronic Market.

Cikapundung Electronic Market at Cikapundung street is a traditional market that specializes in the trades of electronic components and used or second hand electronic appliances. You can also find many repairman's workshops here.

A couple of weeks ago I had to go there to have my old record player repaired. I brought it to this man's shop. In less than 3 hours he fixed it. He did a good job and for a reasonable fee too. I was happy with the result.

Seorang tukang reparasi barang elektronik sedang bekerja di tokonya di Pasar Elektronik Cikapundung. Pasar Elektronik Cikapundung yang terletak di Jalan Cikapundung di pusat kota Bandung adalah pasar yang khusus menjual barang-barang bekas dan komponen ekektronik dan jasa reparasi barang-barang elektronik.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Rabbit Shops at Lembang

If you drive from Bandung to the district town of Lembang in the north of the city, you'd see these 'curious' shops lining some parts of Bandung - Lembang road. They sell rabbits and all kinds of products related to them.

There are different kinds of rabbits from all over the world here. All of them are locally bred. Farmers at Lembang and the surrounding areas have bred rabbits for at least 30 years. At first they were raised as a source of meat. Now more and more farmers are more interested in raising pet rabbits because they fetch higher prices and are considered more profitable to raise.

Toko-toko yang menjual kelinci dan segala keperluannya di sepanjang lanan Bandung - Lembang. Kelinci telah diternakkan di kawasan Lembang dan sekitarnya selama puluhan tahun, mula-mula untuk diambil dagingnya, namun kemudian mereka mulai menternakkan kelici hias yang harganya lebih mahal dan lebih menguntungkan.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Cimahi Waterfall

As we get closer to the waterfall, we began to hear the thundering sound of the falling water and see it amid the forest canopy.

Curug Cimahi is about 87 meter (about 285.5 feet) tall. The water falls from the Cimahi River (hence its name) that flows from Situ Lembang (lit. Lembag lake) above it.

Cimahi in the Sundanese language (the language of the people of West Java) literally means enough water. The name was probably given because the water volume in this river and down the waterfall remains more or less the same throughout the year.

Semakin dekat ke air terjun ini, kita akan mulai mendengar gemuruh suaranya dan air terjun akan mulai terlihat di sela-sela pepohonan. Curug Cimahi memiliki ketinggian sekitar 87 meter. Namanya sendiri diambil dari sungai yang mengalir di atasnya, yaitu Sungai Cimahi, yang airnya berasal dari Situ Lembang (Danau Lembang) yang terletak di atasnya. Cimahi dalam bahasa Sunda berarti air cukup. Barangkali nama ini diberikan untuk menggambarkan debit air di sungai dan air terjun ini yang hampir tidak berubah sepanjang tahun.

There is a pool and clearing at the bottom of the waterfall where visitors could bathe or simply sit and enjoy the view.

Para pengunjung dapat mandi di bawah air terujun ini atau sekedar duduk-duduk di tepiannya sambil menikmati pemandangan yang menakjubkan ini.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Long-Tailed Macaque of Curug Cimahi

On the way down (or up on the way back) to Curug Cimahi (Cimahi Waterfalls), you would see these long-tailed grey macaques (macaca fascicularis) playing in the forest canopy. Sometimes they would go down too and interact with visitors.

Known locally as monyet ekor panjang (long-tailed monkey) or monyet abu-abu (grey monkey), these monkeys are native to Southeast Asia.

According to the forest rangers, currently there are about 200 individuals living in the small patch of forest around the Cimahi waterfalls.

Monyet ekor panjang, disebut juga monyet abu-abu (macaca fascicularis), yang menghuni kawasan hutan di sekitar Curug Cimahi. Monyet ini adalah spesies asli Asia Tenggara, dan di Indonesia banyak dijumpai di pulau Sumatera, pulau Jawa, pulau Kalimantan dan pulau-pulau kecil di sekitarnya. Menurut jagawana yang menjaga kawasan hutan lindung di sekitar Curug Cimahi, saat ini terdapat kurang lebih 200 individu yang hidup di hutan sekitar Curug Cimahi. Monyet-monyet ini cukup jinak. Mereka kadang-kadang turun dari pepohonan untuk berinteraksi dengan pengunjung curug, terutama orang-orang yang menawarkan makanan kepada mereka. Namun para pengunjung harus tetap hati-hati karena, seperti di tempat-tempat lain, mereka bisa saja menjambret barang-barang bawaan mereka.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Stairway to Curug Cimahi

I didn't post yesterday because I was too tired, fell asleep, and when I woke up it was already today. But here's the next picture in the Curug Cimahi (Cimahi Waterfall) series.

As I said in the previous post, we have to go down a few hundred meters from the gate through the forest to get to the waterfall. This is part of the stairway that leads to Curug Cimahi. It was very cloudy and about to rain when I got there, so the picture looks a bit flat.

Going down was quite easy and refreshing. Going back and up was quite an effort, but quite energizing I must say. You have to be quite fit physically to visit this place.

Anak tangga menuju Curug Cimahi. Rerimbunan pepohonan dan semak dan pemandangan di kiri kanan anak tangga ini sangat menyegarkan. Perjalanan turun cukup mudah, namun untuk kembali ke atas, diperlukan diperlukan kebugaran tubuh yang cukup baik.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Gate to Cimahi Waterfall

This is the gate to 'Curug Cimahi', a waterfall located at the village of Kertawangi, Cisarua, some 20 kilometers to the northwest of the city of Bandung through the district town of Lembang. To reach the waterfall you have to go down a few hundred meters from this gate trough a little forest.

Gerbang menuju Curug (Air Terjun) Cimahi di Desa Kertawangi, Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Air terjun ini terletak di pinggir jalan raya yang menghubungkan kota Lembang dan Cimahi, kurang lebih 10 kilometer dari kota Cimahi, atau 20 kilometer dari kota Bandung melalui Lembang.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Al-Aafiyah Mosque Dome Interior Ornament

This is the stain-glass dome interior ornament of the Al Aafiyah mosque at Cisarua, in the northwest of Bandung. Al Aafiyah is Arabic. It means health.

This mosque was built by and is located on the premises of Biofarma farms. Biofarma is a state-owned company that specializes in producing vaccines. Established on 6 August 1890, it's Indonesia's oldest and one of its biggest pharmaceutical companies. The English version of the company's history can be read here.

Ornamen bagian dalam kubah masjid Al Aafiyah di kompleks kebun percobaan Biofarma di Kecamatan Cisarua, dekat Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat.

BUMN Biofarma adalah perusahaan farmasi tertua di Indonesia. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tanggal 6 Agustus 1890 dengan nama "Parc Vaccinogene. Sesuai dengan namanya, perusahaan ini adalah perusahaan farmasi yang khusus memproduksi vaksin.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Cafe Kupu-Kupu at Cimahi

Here is the front facade of Cafe Kupu-Kupu I was talking about in yesterday's post. The building is relatively small, but it has nice gardens in the front and backyard.

Tampak depan dari Kafe Kupu-Kupu di Jalan Kolonel Masturi, Cimahi. Kafe ini tidak terlalu besar, tapi tamannya cukup tertata apik dan asri.

And as I said, it is a reading cafe with plenty of books and magazines that you can borrow and read while enjoying your foods and drinks. The collections seem to be rotated and updated regularly. I can always find new tittles whenever I go there.

By the way, kupu-kupu is the Indonesian word for butterfly. That's why you see butterfly ornament on the column.

Sebagian dari koleksi buku Kafe Kupu-Kupu yang bisa dipinjam dan dibaca oleh pengunjung. Buku-buku ini tampaknya diputar (diganti dan ditambah) secara teratur. Selalu ada judul-judul baru setiap kali saya berkunjung ke sana.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Pancake at Cafe Kupu-Kupu

The pancake, served with a scoop of ice cream and slices of banana, I had sometime ago at Cafe Kupu-Kupu. Cafe Kupu-Kupu is located on Kolonel Masturi street, in the scenic northern hills of Cimahi. I like this cafe because it's a reading cafe with plenty of books and magazines that we can borrow and read while we're enjoying the beverages and foods. It's pretty close to where I live too.

Kue panekuk disajikan dengan es krim dan potongan pisang yang saya pesan di Kafe Kupu-Kupu di Jalan Kolonel Masturi, Cimahi utara, beberapa waktu yang lalu. Saya suka ke kafe ini karena di kafe ini menyediakan banyak buku dan majalah yang bisa dipinjam dan dibaca sambil kita menikmati makanan dan minuman.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Air Pollution Meter on Jalan Setiabudi

This is an air pollution (pollutant) meter on Dr. Setiabudi street in the north of Bandung. Well, not the whole structure is, only the bottom part. The big LCD screen on top of it is a billboard. As you can see, the instrument is out of order and does not read and display what it's supposed to read and display.

The municipal government has installed a number of pollution (pollutant) meters in several locations in the city recently to let the public know the pollutant levels in the areas where they are installed. Unfortunately many of them, like this one, seem to be out of order.

Alat pengukur polusi udara di jalan Dr Setiabudi di utara Bandung. Alat ini dipasang di beberapa tempat di kota Bandung untuk memberitahukan kepada masyarakat tingkat polusi udara yang ada di tempat itu. Sayangnya, kebanyakan alat itu tampaknya rusak dan tidak berfungsi.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Looking For Tires

A motorist stopped by the roadside to inspect some tires offered at a mobile tire shop (vendor) at Jalan Cibeureum in the west of Bandung. Yes, it's the same shop/vendor whose photo I posted last Friday, (June 7, 2013).

Seorang pengendara sepeda motor melihat-lihat ban yang ditawarkan oleh seorang tukang tambal ban yang juga menjual ban dengan mobil boksnya di tepi jalan Cibeureum di sebelah barat kota Bandung.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Fire Extinguisher

Fire exinguisher at a gas (petrol) station on Jalan Raya Cebeureum in the west of Bandung.

Alat pemadam kebaran di sebuah SPBU (stasiun pengisisn bahan bakar umum) di Jalan Raya Cibeureum, Bandung.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Parking Booth

A parking booth in front yard of a Honda motorcycle dealer in Cibeureum in the west of Bandung. The signs are universal. The writings underneath them say "Please open your car window/helmet visor" and "Submit your parking ticket."

Pos penjagaan parkir di depan dealer sepeda motor Honda di Cibeureum.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Pedicab Driver Waiting for Customer

A pedicab driver waiting for customers on the roadside of Jalan Raya Cibeureum in the west of Bandung.

Seorang tukang becak menunggu penumpang di tepi jalan raya Cibeureum di sebelah barat kota Bandung.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Mobile Tire Patcher and Shop

About three hundred meters from the roadside "tire patcher" that I posted yesterday, I found this: another "tire patcher". This one is bigger. It uses a car and has a tire shop with it. And yes, it is parked on and is blocking the sidewalk. As I said in some earlier posts, Bandung is not a pedestrian-friendly city.

Sekitar tiga ratus meter dari tukang tambal ban yang saya posting kemarin, saya menemukan tukang tambal ban lain. Yang ini lebih besar, menggunakan mobil boks yang sekaligus difungsikan sebagai toko ban. Seperti pengusaha-pengusaha kakilima lain di Bandung, tukang tambal ban dan toko ban ini juga memanfaatkan trotoar sehingga menghalangi pejalan kaki dan berpotensi membahayakan keselamatan pejalan kaki. Kota Bandung adalah kota yang tidak ramah pada pejalan kaki.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tire Patcher on Jalan Raya Cibeureum

Tukang tambal ban sedang bekerja menambal ban pesepeda motor di Jalan Raya Cibereum, Bandung.

A road side tire patcher at work on Jalan Raya Cibeureum in the west part of Bandung.