Friday, December 11, 2009

Skywatch: A Classroom With A View

December is officially the rainy season in this city. But it doesn't mean we have showers all the time. We often have clear blue sky in the morning and heavy rain in the late afternoon or vice versa at this time of the year.

This is the view from one of my classes on the fifth floor of the Faculty of Language and Arts Education at UPI (Indonesia University of Education) in one those moments when we have clear blue sky in the morning this rainy season.

The blue green roof in the foreground is that of the old building of the Faculty of Social Science Education that is currently being renovated and the white buildings in the middle are the new student dormitories. In the far right hand corner of the photo is Mount Burangrang, one of the mountains that sorrounds Bandung.

To see other Skywatchers' blog posts, please go here.


Dina said...

If I were a student in that classroom I might be tempted to be looking out the window, lost in dreams.
This picture has all the right stuff--blue sky, green trees, a mountain, a university ... A happy scene.

Unknown said...

Memang lezat sekali, pak...
Kalau kuliah di lantai 3-4-5 pasti selalu menikmati view through the window...

Mo said...

Be hard to concentrate on lessons with that view to distract you