Monday, February 22, 2010

Funny English

English has become a fashionable language in this city of ours. Many people use it as a matter of fashion or because they want to look fashionable and classy. Unfortunately, even an advertising agency with enough money to put up a huge billboard like this in the prime area of Pasupati Flyover can't afford but looking careless, underclassed, and stupid with this kind of English.

Why don't they just use Indonesian and be proud of it? Most of the people passing and reading the billboard would be Indonesians anyway.


HyacinthNegrita said...

Sayang bahasa Inggrisnya tidak bagus, kenapa tidak saja pakai bahasa Indonesia? Harus bangga dengan bahasa Indonesia. Apakah anda ada foto Tangguban Perahu? saya pernah bertamasya beberapa tahun lalu dengan orang tua. Terima kasih.

arabesque said...

i totally understand what you mean... trying so hard to be someone/something you're not,
unfortunately, we share the same dilemma here. ^0^

Eki said...

Saya tidak punya foto landscape Tangkuban Perahu. Tapi ada foto-foto yang saya ambil di sana, seperti foto crater trees yang ada di sini.

Terima kasih sudah berkunjung dan berkomentar. Bahasa Indonesia Anda sangat bagus.

Deden said...

betul kang,.
sy juga ga ngerti, mungkin memang lebih susah berbahasa Indonesia kali ya kang.. :)

damz said...

kang Eki, foto ini diambilnya kapan? kok motto-nya masih 'bersih hijau berbunga'?.. :)

Photo Cache said...

I agree with you, what is wrong with one's national language? Use it and let the foreigners adjust/adapt - as it should be.

Dina said...

The same is happening in Jerusalem.

The best part of the sign you show is your watermark, Eki. :)