Monday, February 8, 2010

local produce

These vegetables sold at Pasar Baru traditional market in the city center are locally produced.

More than 90 percent of our vegetables are locally produced in the valleys and mountains sorrounding the city. They are sold in the local markets as well as for exports to other cities like Jakarta.

Vegetable markets here begin at midnight when farmers transport their produce to Pasar Induk (lit. mother market; traditional markets that function as distribution centers). I took this photo at about mid-day when most of the vegies have already been sold out.


Unknown said...

I love this pic.
so colorful...!


Photo Cache said...

very colorful, love it. i feel nourished just looking at this.

Dina said...

Beautiful colors. So nice that you can "eat locally."

escape said...

i particularly like those purple cabbages. it's quite rare coz i havent really seen one yet.

arabesque said...

i like those purples also, they add more color to this foto, though not a veggie lover,..^0^ they looked very fresh!

Catherine said...

I wonder what recipe can Irealize with all these veggies ? I recognize all that we can find in our local market.