Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Baby Cuddle

Iteung, a female cat that a friend of mine asked me to adopt last year, gave birth to three cute little kittens a few days ago. Here's one of them. I haven't given them names yet. Any ideas?


Gunn said...

So sweet!
A very nice image.

Unknown said...

How about Aura or Asmirandah...

Cobalt Violet said...

Oh my goodness. Precious!

Jeannette StG said...

Oh how cute...this one could be PinkPaw:) Let us know what names you eventually will choose:)
If I haven't done so already - have a great New Year, Eki!

Dina said...

Oh, so sweet! Enjoy your new kittens. They are lucky to have you.

amatamari© said...

An infinite tenderness!

Eki said...

Gunn: Thanks. Happy New Year to you too.

Dindin: Sound like sexy names. ;)

Jeannette: A cute name. I'll think about it.