Friday, May 20, 2011

Rollerblading in Bandung

Rollerblading is quite a popular sport among youths in Bandung. They have a number of places to hone their rollerblading skills. One of them is the track at Gelora Saparua (Saparua Sports Arena) where these youngsters were practicing one Sunday morning a few weeks ago.

The above photo was taken by Agus Wahyudi, a freelance photographer and regular contributor of Bandung Daily Photo.


Leif Hagen said...

Great action shot! That kid in the red looks like a future Olympic speed skater!

Dina said...

The young kids look so graceful.
Did you ever try rollerblades, Eki?
I did once and could do it more or less, I think just because of ice skating experience as a kid.