Friday, August 6, 2010

A Withering Tree (A Skywatch Post)

If I remember it correctly, this huge tree on Ranggamalela Park (now Flexi Park) used to be green all-year round. (I know it because used to work at an office that was located just across the street from this park.) Even in the dry season, this tree was never as bald as this. I don't know what has made it this bald. The unusually wet summer may have played a part or the worsening air pollution level.

It's Friday and time for the Skywatch Friday meme. Please check out what the participating blogs have here.


fini said...

well that's a great shot - photography wise :) But I agree with you, maybe it's the weather or maybe the pollution as well.. poor old tree..

Unknown said...

Mungkin meranggas pohonnya pak mau menghadapi kemarau.... IMO

btw, great shot! it's stunning!


Musim kemarau yang memberikan nunasa indah kepada pohon. Begitu asrinya Bandung

Boom Nisanart said...

Like a graphic...wonderful shot !

Everyday Melbourne
Everyday Shot

Unknown said...

a picture with a paradoxical hindsight. the pic is beautiful but the tree is or becomes ugly...

Dina said...

That is sad to lose a tree that you have known.
A good photo, though.